«Why fewer people are choosing to have kids»
«Kids? A Growing Number of Americans Say, ‘No, Thanks’.»
«A 2021 MSU study shows one in four Michigan adults does not want kids.» So don’t be shy to stand up for what is right for you!
«More women are saying no to motherhood than ever before.» «The Not Mom» is a supportive community for women without children by chance or by choice. Although without children, these women of all ages lead happy and fulfilling lives focusing on their careers, traveling, volunteering, and spending time with their significant others, their pets, and their extended families.
Being childless does not make a woman any less of a woman. In many ways, it allows a women to take more chances in life, live her dreams, and explore life to the fullest. For example, stepping away from a lengthy corporate career to purse a dream as a freelance writer or taking a year off to travel the continental USA in an RV with your significant other. «The Not Mom» helps break down the stereotype that childless women are «selfish, [old] cat ladies». They are not. «The Not Mom» community proves that these women are happy, healthy, and enjoying life. After all, what do Sex and the City‘s Carrie Bradshaw, media personality and philanthropist Oprah Winfrey, Wonder Woman, and former British Prime Minister Teresa May have in common? They are all Not Moms!